What's New?

National Day of Prayer Task Force
It's never too soon to start planning for National Day of Prayer! Is your church or group hosting a prayer meeting for NDP on May 2? Let us know (praybagbr@yahoo.com) so we can help spread the word!

We need more prayer warriors!
Would you like to represent your church as a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator?
Check out the sidebar for more info.


June 15-16- Southern Baptist Convention Please pray for Godly wisdom for the leaders of our denomination and for the messengers who will be attending and voting. http://www.sbcannualmeeting.net/sbc10/default.asp Pray also for those who will be evangelizing through Crossover Orlando, and for God to open the hearts of all with whom they come in contact. The Crossover Orlando team asks that we pray for:

  • volunteers to go out and evangelize

  • volunteers to meet to pray at the convention site for those who are evangelizing

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