What's New?

National Day of Prayer Task Force
It's never too soon to start planning for National Day of Prayer! Is your church or group hosting a prayer meeting for NDP on May 2? Let us know (praybagbr@yahoo.com) so we can help spread the word!

We need more prayer warriors!
Would you like to represent your church as a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator?
Check out the sidebar for more info.

The "Pump Up Your Pastor" Prayer Program

Beginning this Sunday, August 9, many pastors in BAGBR will start each Lord's Day off with a little extra boost of encouragement.

In conjunction with praying for your pastor daily, please set aside a special time of prayer on Saturdays to pray for your pastors, their last minute study time, their sermons, family harmony (pastors get into arguments with their wives and have misbehaving kids just like the rest of us, and Saturday night/Sunday morning is prime time for Satan to attack), the worship service the next day, etc.

Afterwards, send a brief e-mail or voice mail to the pastor's office at the church telling him that you were praying for him, how you were praying for him, and giving him some words of encouragement. It is my hope that after the first few times this is done, the pastors will begin checking their e-mail or voice mail every Sunday morning upon arriving at the church so they can start off the Lord's Day on a positive note.

Here is a sample of what a PPPP e-mail might look like, but please feel free to write or say the words God puts on your heart:

Dear Pastor-

Today, I prayed that:

...God would send revival to our church.
...God will provide the new air conditioning unit the church needs.
...God will give you some encouragement and hope this week in the midst of any difficult situation you may be dealing with.
...God will give you the strength to stand firm and resist temptation this week.
...God will give you passion in your preaching.

Have a blessed Lord's Day,

Jane Doe

Church prayer coordinators can do this for their own pastors, and the regional coordinators and I will do it as we are able for the churches that don't yet have church coordinators.

I'd like for all of us to begin this prayer initiative on Saturday, August 8. Please briefly explain the program to your pastor this first time. If your pastor doesn't have e-mail or voice mail at the office, you may want to just stick a note on his office door or something like that.

Please encourage as many of your church members as possible to participate. You may also wish to pray for and encourage other staff members. Having a small group (or a large group!) meet some time on Saturday or on Sunday morning to pray for the pastor and the worship service would be fantastic if you feel led to put something like that together.

Let's pray!

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