What's New?

National Day of Prayer Task Force
It's never too soon to start planning for National Day of Prayer! Is your church or group hosting a prayer meeting for NDP on May 2? Let us know (praybagbr@yahoo.com) so we can help spread the word!

We need more prayer warriors!
Would you like to represent your church as a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator?
Check out the sidebar for more info.

Distance Prayer Coordinators

Serving as a Distance Prayer Coordinator

Due to the fact that some of our BAGBR churches are up to an hour's drive or more away, we have set up a system whereby members of those churches can become BAGBR prayer coordinators and stay plugged in with the BAGBR Prayer Ministry, even if they're unable to drive in for meetings.

A Distance Prayer Coordinator is, by definition, someone who would like to serve as a prayer coordinator with the BAGBR Prayer Ministry, but lives too far away to be able to drive in for our monthly meetings. Distance Prayer Coordinators will keep up to date with the latest news and events of the prayer ministry via e-mail, this web site, and by joining the "Pray BAGBR" Facebook page.

Distance Prayer Coordinators will check in with Associational Prayer Coordinator, Michelle Lesley, via e-mail at least once a month by the end of the month to keep us abreast of how things are going at their churches. They are encouraged to share:
  • Prayer needs for their churches- It could be a spiritual need, such as, "Please pray for more people to have a burden for prayer," or "Please pray for forgiveness in a certain situation in my church." Or it could be for a more tangible need, such as a larger building for the church, more nursery workers, a pianist, etc.

  • Ways they see God moving in their churches and/or answers to prayer.

  • Special prayer events taking place at their churches or in their communities.

  • New ideas for prayer initiatives which other prayer coordinators might want to implement, prayer initiatives that God is using in their churches, or how their churches are participating in a special prayer event that has been announced by the BAGBR Prayer Ministry (such as Call 2 Fall, National Day of Prayer, etc.)

The Associational Prayer Coordinator will gather these e-mails at the end of the month and take them to the monthly meeting to let the other prayer coordinators know how our Distance Prayer Coordinators are doing and how they can pray for them and their churches.

If you would like to serve in the BAGBR Prayer Ministry as a Distance Prayer Coordinator, please contact Associational Prayer Coordinator, Michelle Lesley, at praybagbr@yahoo.com.

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