BAGBR Prayer Ministry
2011-2012 Annual Report
Michelle Lesley – Associational
Prayer Coordinator
In keeping with the BAGBR Prayer Ministry’s primary mission
of praying for revival in our churches, and its secondary missions: prayer
networking and special prayer events, the following were the Prayer Ministry’s
areas of focus for 2010-2011:
BAGBR Prayer Coordinators :
It is the goal of the BAGBR Prayer Ministry to secure a
representative from each of the 100+ churches in our association to serve with
the Prayer Ministry as a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator. At this time, ten of our churches are
fielding BAGBR Prayer Coordinators .
Distance Prayer Coordinators
Due to the geographical size of the association, many
churches which may wish to field BAGBR Prayer Coordinators
are not within convenient driving distance of the Prayer Ministry’s mandatory
monthly Prayer Coordinator meetings.
These churches may now field Distance Prayer
Coordinators , who stay connected with the BAGBR Prayer
Ministry electronically. No churches are
currently fielding Distance Prayer Coordinators .
Prayer Initiatives:
The “Pump up Your
Pastor Prayer Program”
BAGBR Prayer Coordinators
designate a special time of prayer for their pastors on Saturdays, then leave a
voice mail or e-mail at the pastor’s office letting him know how he was prayed
for. They encourage their fellow church
members to participate as well.
BAGBR Regional Prayer Coordinators
and the Associational Prayer Coordinator pray for all pastors (and e-mail them
if an e-mail address is available) in the association whose churches are not
represented by a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator.
Every BAGBR pastor is prayed for
at least weekly.
Bride Awake Prayer Meetings
Bride Awake prayer
meetings are a focused time of praying for our BAGBR pastors and for God to
send revival to our association.
Currently held monthly (usually on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at a BAGBR area church), all BAGBR
pastors, staff, and church members are urged to attend.
House of Prayer Conferences
The goal of the House
of Prayer conference is to assist a church in returning to the Biblical
mandate to be a house of prayer (Is. 56:7, Matt. 21:13) A 1-3 person team of
BAGBR Prayer Coordinators will come in, at a
church’s request, and conduct a prayer conference tailored to the church’s
spiritual needs and time constraints.
This service is available to all BAGBR churches at no cost.
Pray as You Go
BAGBR Prayer Coordinators
and their church members are encouraged to pray for BAGBR churches (as well as
other churches) and pastors as they pass by these churches during their daily
commute to work or errands around the association.
Special Prayer Events :
Over the past year, BAGBR Prayer
Coordinators have promoted the following special prayer
events to their churches and in their communities:
Cry Out America
Week of Prayer for State Missions (Georgia Barnette
See You at the Pole
10/40 Window Sunday
40/40 Prayer Vigil
Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Week of Prayer for International Missions (Lottie Moon
Awaken 2012
SBC Call to Prayer
Week of Prayer for North American Missions (Annie Armstrong
Awaken – Wave of Prayer
Seek God for the City
National Day of Prayer
Day of Prayer and Fasting for World Evangelism
Intercession for the Southern Baptist Convention
Call 2 Fall
National Day of
On May 3, 2012 ,
the BAGBR Prayer Ministry hosted a city-wide prayer meeting at Florida
Blvd. Baptist Church ,
Baton Rouge , in celebration of the
National Day of Prayer. BAGBR pastors led participants in prayer, focusing on
the church, the family, social issues, and government/world events.
Prayer Networking:
Prayer Requests
The BAGBR Prayer Ministry maintains an e-mail database of
BAGBR churches and disseminates prayer requests which are relevant to
particular regions or to the association at large.
Publicity and
Consulting Assistance
The BAGBR Prayer Ministry is available to advise churches
conducting their own in-house prayer events, conferences, rallies, etc. If the church would like to encourage others
in the association to attend its event, the Prayer Ministry is available to
help get the word out to churches across the region or association.
“Pray BAGBR” on
The “Pray BAGBR” Facebook page is open to all BAGBR pastors,
staff, and church members. The Pray
BAGBR page informs members of upcoming prayer events, disseminates (anonymous)
prayer requests relevant to the association at large as requested, encourages
participation in the “Pump up Your Pastor Prayer Program”, and makes members
aware of current prayer resources and materials.
For more information on any of the items mentioned above,
please see our web site or contact Associational Prayer Coordinator, Michelle
Lesley, via e-mail or the BAGBR office.
Web site:
I think you will want to get a facebook icon to your blog. I just marked down this blog, although I had to do it by hand. Simply my $.02 :)
Thanks for the tip. I wasn't quite sure whether you meant I should add a Facebook badge to the blog (which I did- great idea!) or add an icon for the blog to the Facebook page. I'm not certain how to do that. The web site for the blog is listed on the Facebook page's "info" tab under both "location" and "web site". If you could e-mail me at and explain how to make an icon for the blog and add it to the Facebook page, I'd love the help!
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