What's New?

National Day of Prayer Task Force
It's never too soon to start planning for National Day of Prayer! Is your church or group hosting a prayer meeting for NDP on May 2? Let us know (praybagbr@yahoo.com) so we can help spread the word!

We need more prayer warriors!
Would you like to represent your church as a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator?
Check out the sidebar for more info.

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Series by Neta Jackson

What do an ex-con, a former drug addict, a real estate broker, a college student, and a married mother of two have in common? Nothing, or so Jodi Baxter thought. Who would have imagined that God would make a group as mismatched as that the closest of friends?

“I almost didn’t even go to the Chicago Women’s Conference—after all, being thrown together with five hundred strangers wasn’t exactly my ‘comfort zone.’ But I would be rooming with my boss, Avis, and I hoped that maybe I might make a friend or two.

“When Avis and I were assigned to a prayer group of twelve women at the conference, I wasn’t sure what to think. There was Flo, an outspoken ex-drug addict; Ruth, a Messianic Jew who could smother-mother you to death; and Yo-Yo, an ex-con who wasn’t even a Christian! Not to mention women from Jamaica, Honduras, South Africa—practically a mini-United nations. We certainly didn’t have much in common.

“But something happened that weekend to make us realize we had to hang together. So ‘the Yada Yada Prayer Group’ decided to keep praying for each other via e-mail. That worked for a while, but our personal struggles and requests soon got too intense for cyberspace, so we decided to meet together every other Sunday night.

“Talk about a rock tumbler!—knocking off each other’s rough edges, learning to laugh and cry along the way. But when I faced the biggest crisis of my life, God used my newfound girlfriends to help teach me—Jodi Baxter, longtime Christian ‘good girl’—what it means to be just a sinner saved by grace.”

(Excerpted from author Neta Jackson's web site: http://www.daveneta.com/books/YadaYada/YadaYada.htm)

This seven book series was such a delight I wish Mrs. Jackson had written more! The Yada Yada gals are intriguing, endearing characters, but even more inspiring was learning about their prayer group.

If you've always wanted to learn more about prayer but were a little intimidated by theological books on the subject, pick up this series. You'll learn about:

  • forming a prayer group
  • genuine corporate prayer
  • praying Scripture
  • appropriate confidentiality
  • the praise and worship aspect of prayer
  • using prayer as a first response rather than a last resort

and much more.

Be sure to pick up the "Party Editions" of the books for recipes and prayer group meeting and celebration ideas. There's even a Yada Yada Prayer Journal for use in your own personal devotions.

The entire Yada Yada series is available at:
The EBR Parish Library
Neta Jackson's Web Site
LifeWay Christian Stores

March 2013

March 3-10: Week of Prayer for North American Missions (Annie Armstrong Easter Offering)

Theme: Whatever it Takes

The reality is that people need Jesus, and it's not enough to simply point them in the right direction. That takes only a moment and little commitment. What we need to do is make an investment in their lives to walk with them...to His presence, introducing them to Him and inviting them to connect with Him personally and completely.

"Whatever it takes" means starting a conversation that could lead to a new convert, and that moment becoming a catalyst to the starting of a new church-- a growing, thriving church with people intent on starting more conversations that lead to more converts and more churches, and the cycle continues.

National AAEO Goal: $70,000,000
For more information on the week of prayer and daily prayer foci, visit the NAMB Annie Armstrong web site.

September 2012

September 11- Cry Out America

On September 11, 2001, America was shaken to its foundation by a series of surprise terrorist attacks. All of us were awakened to the new reality of global terrorism. 10 years later our nation needs to be awakened again, not just to the threats of terrorism, but to our critical spiritual condition...In response to our nation’s need and God’s Biblical and historical pattern for bringing awakening to America, we are calling for extraordinary, united prayer.

Meet at your parish courthouse with other Believers on September 11 to pray for our nation.

Cry Out America web site

September 16-23- Week of Prayer for State Missions (Georgia Barnette Offering)

Georgia Barnette Offering web site

September 26- See You at the Pole

"See You at the Pole™ is a student-initiated, student organized, and student-led event. That means this is all about students meeting at their school flagpole to pray—for their school, friends teachers, government, and their nation. See You at the Pole™ is not a demonstration, political rally, nor a stand for or against anything." (From the SYATP web site.)

Encourage your church's youth and youth pastor to participate! 

SYATP web site

September 26 - November 4- 40/40 Prayer Vigil
Sponsored by the ERLC of the Southern Baptist Convention, 40/40 is a 40 day period of prayer dedicated to crying out the the Lord for revival in our country.

40/40 web site

July 2011

July 3- Call 2 Fall

"The Call 2 Fall is nothing fancy. No slick program. No big production. Just setting aside a definite time during worship on July 3, 2011 when you call your people to get on their knees and faces before the Lord in repentant prayer for God to reshape our lives and renew our land.

Call 2 Fall on our knees is for every Christ-follower in America. Specifically, there are multiplied millions of believers who realize that America is in trouble and that neither Washington nor Wall Street has the answers. We are hoping that at least 40,000 churches will join in a corporate act of humility, repentance, and desperate prayer on our knees before the Lord."

(from the Call2Fall web site)



June 15-16- Southern Baptist Convention Please pray for Godly wisdom for the leaders of our denomination and for the messengers who will be attending and voting. http://www.sbcannualmeeting.net/sbc10/default.asp Pray also for those who will be evangelizing through Crossover Orlando, and for God to open the hearts of all with whom they come in contact. The Crossover Orlando team asks that we pray for:

  • volunteers to go out and evangelize

  • volunteers to meet to pray at the convention site for those who are evangelizing