What's New?

National Day of Prayer Task Force
It's never too soon to start planning for National Day of Prayer! Is your church or group hosting a prayer meeting for NDP on May 2? Let us know (praybagbr@yahoo.com) so we can help spread the word!

We need more prayer warriors!
Would you like to represent your church as a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator?
Check out the sidebar for more info.

September 2009

Special Prayer Events in September

September 13 - 20:
Week of Prayer for State Missions (Georgia Barnette Offering)

The official GBO web site is:
http://www.lbc.org/gbo/ . It has information about Georgia Barnette herself, the ministries the offering will support, and some really good resources such as videos that can be played in church, and graphics that can be printed out as bulletin inserts, fliers, or posters (look under "Promote" and click on "Clip Art").

You may wish to organize a special time of prayer for the various ministries, work with your WMU (WOM) group to promote prayer church-wide, ask your pastor if you may speak briefly in worship service on the 13th regarding the week of prayer, or whatever God leads you to do that is appropriate for your church.

September 23:
See You at the Pole

"See You at the Pole is a student-led, student-initiated movement of prayer that revolves around students praying together on the third Wednesday of September, usually before school and usually at the school’s flagpole. It involves students in elementary schools, middle/junior high schools, high schools, and colleges/ universities all over the world. {Adults} often pray in support of the students on campus by gathering nearby, at their places of work or worship, or at city halls." (from www.nationalprayer.org)

For more information on how you can help promote SYATP, please see: http://www.syatp.com/info/adults/. You may want to work with your pastor and youth director and ask if the youth can give testimonies about SYATP at their schools that night during church, and then have a special time of prayer for students, teachers, and other school staff, or even have an adult SYATP at your church that morning. Someone else suggested prayer walking at your local schools, which I think is a great idea. Whatever God leads you to do would be great.

If you have a unique idea for promoting or celebrating these events that you'd like to share with the other prayer coordinators, please e-mail it to me. We can all use good ideas!

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