What's New?

National Day of Prayer Task Force
It's never too soon to start planning for National Day of Prayer! Is your church or group hosting a prayer meeting for NDP on May 2? Let us know (praybagbr@yahoo.com) so we can help spread the word!

We need more prayer warriors!
Would you like to represent your church as a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator?
Check out the sidebar for more info.

"Bride Awake" Prayer Meetings

Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. Matt. 25:5

The Bride of Christ in America is falling asleep. (Sometimes, literally. Ask any pastor.) We’ve become numb to, or even defend, our own worldliness. Some estimate that over 80% of churches are in decline or plateau. Our impact on society is rapidly deteriorating. We, the church, are ripe for another Great Awakening.

To that end, and with an eye to the fact that most great moves of God begin with corporate prayer, we are beginning the process of scheduling weekly prayer meetings for the purpose of praying for revival in our city, association, state, and nation. Each week, a different BAGBR church will host the prayer meeting, which will be open to every member of every church in the association. This will not be a worship service or Bible study, but simply one hour a week for God’s people to come together and spend time in prayer.

Hosting a Bride Awake Prayer Meeting:
  • Our facility needs are very much "bare bones". Basically, what we will need is for the building/sanctuary to be unlocked on time, and lights, heat/AC, and bathrooms/water fountains made available.
  • In the spirit of Is. 24:2 and Hos. 4:9a pastors and staff of the host church are encouraged to attend if at all possible.
  • The pastor of the host church will choose the evening (or Saturday) for the meeting which will be most convenient for his church. (Let's avoid Sunday and Wednesday evenings since most churches have services those nights.)
  • Associational Prayer Coordinator- Michelle Lesley, or another prayer coordinator, will facilitate the meeting (in conjunction with the host pastor if he is present) and coordinate the logistics of facility availability.
  • Prayer meetings will be open to (and publicized to) all BAGBR churches/church members.
  • Host pastors, if they so desire, will also have the option of inviting neighboring churches of other (Christian) denominations to participate in the prayer meeting.
  • Bride Awake meetings will begin the week of January 17, 2010. Pastors, please contact Associational Prayer Coordinator- Michelle Lesley, through the BAGBR office (or her personal e-mail address, if you have it) when you have a date in mind.

Attending a Bride Awake Prayer Meeting

All BAGBR pastors, staff, and church members are strongly encouraged to attend Bride Awake meetings as often as possible. Meeting dates and times will be publicized to all BAGBR churches, printed in the Good News newsletter when feasible, and posted on this web site.


Anonymous said...

Have any churches hosted one of these yet? Any scheduled? -Todd ;-)

Anonymous said...

Have any churches hosted one of these yet? Any scheduled? -Todd ;-)

Michelle said...

Not yet. Step right up-- you could be first! :0)