What's New?

National Day of Prayer Task Force
It's never too soon to start planning for National Day of Prayer! Is your church or group hosting a prayer meeting for NDP on May 2? Let us know (praybagbr@yahoo.com) so we can help spread the word!

We need more prayer warriors!
Would you like to represent your church as a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator?
Check out the sidebar for more info.

Power Through Prayer by E.M. Bounds

In Power Through Prayer, E.M. Bounds (1835-1913) certainly does prove the old adage that good things do come in small packages.

Originally a gold miner, then Missouri's youngest practicing lawyer at the age of 19, Bounds surrendered to the ministry and became a Methodist pastor when he was 24. Following his incarceration as a prisoner of war during the Civil War, he took up residence in Tennessee. While others concentrated on rebuilding the war-torn state, Bounds determined to focus his energies on spiritual reconstruction, primarily by holding prayer colloquoys and evangelistic meetings.

Bounds was well known as a man of prayer, habitually rising at 4:00 a.m. and praying until 7:00 a.m. He and a small group of men also prayed faithfully for revival for over a year until God granted their request.

Bounds had a heart for pastors and a deep longing to see them preach out of the overflow of their personal heart relationship with the Lord rather than crafting eloquent sermons of lofty words. It is to these pastors for whom he had such a burden that Power Through Prayer is addressed, though all Christians can certainly benefit from Bounds' exhortation to be people of fervent prayer.

Among his spiritually erudite gems are:

The praying which makes a prayerful ministry is not a little praying put in as we put flavor to give it a pleasant smack, but the praying must be in the body, and form the blood and bones. Prayer is no petty duty, put into a corner; no piecemeal performance made out of the fragments of time which have been snatched from business and other engagements of life; but it means that the best of our time, the heart of our time and strength must be given...it means the {prayer} closet first, the study and activities second...

No man can do a great and enduring work for God who is not a man of prayer, and no man can be a man of prayer who does not give much time to praying.
The holier a man is, the more does he estimate prayer; the clearer does he see that God gives himself to the praying ones, and that the measure of God’s revelation to the soul is the measure of the soul’s longing, importunate prayer for God. Salvation never finds its way to a prayerless heart. The Holy Spirit never abides in a prayerless spirit. Preaching never edifies a prayerless soul. Christ knows nothing of prayerless Christians.
A holy life would not be so rare or so difficult a thing if our devotions were not so short and hurried...We live shabbily because we pray meanly.
Paul exhorted us to "pray without ceasing" (I Thess. 5:17). In this brief and easy to read volume, Bounds passionately challenges us to apply these timeless words of Scripture to the discipline of prayer in our own lives.

Power Through Prayer is available at:
and may be downloaded as a PDF, read on line, or downloaded as an audio file for free at:

Pray Strongly, Weekly

In addition to praying daily for revival in our own personal prayer times, prayer coordinators can volunteer to "cover" one day of the week in dedicated prayer and fasting for revival.

God will lead the prayer coordinator with regard to how much time she should spend in prayer that day, as well as to the nature of the fasting, whether it be a fast from food or from another activity (for example, watching TV, computer time, shopping, etc.).

The following days are currently covered:

Sunday- S. (FBC- Plaquemine)

Monday- S. (FBC-BR)

Tuesday- M. (Riverdale)

Wednesday- B. (Parkview)

Thursday- M. (New Life)

Friday- S. (FBC- Plaquemine)

Saturday- M. (Riverdale)

(PCs are indicated by first initial and church name for security.)

If you'll notice, we have two PCs who are pulling "double duty". If you'd like to help out by taking one of those doubled days, contact Michelle.

Meeting Schedule- Winter/Spring 2013

Prayer Coordinators will continue to meet the first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. All others are invited to join us at 7:00 p.m.

January 7
February 4
March 4
April 1
May 2 (National Day of Prayer. We will meet at our NDP prayer meetings rather than at our regular monthly meeting.)

What is Revival?

In their book, "Fresh Encounter: God's Pattern for Spiritual Awakening," Henry and Richard Blackaby define revival this way:

"Revival is a divinely initiated work in which God's people pray, repent of their sin, and return to a holy, Spirit-filled, obedient, love relationship with God."

Revival is initiated by God, not man. Though we periodically schedule day or week-long worship meetings we call revivals, true revival cannot be penciled in on a calendar. True revival is a marked renewal of the church body. The Holy Spirit sweeps across the congregation, bringing with him conviction, deep contrition, and repentance for sin. Church members not only forsake their sin, but are radically impassioned anew to love, serve, and obey the Savior in their daily lives.

While evangelism of the lost may be a wonderful side effect, it is not the central focus of revival itself. Revival is not for the lost, it is for the saved whose love and obedience to Jesus have waxed cold. When the saved are revived, they will not be able to avoid sharing the Gospel with the lost. Their newly envigorated love for the Lord will have far reaching effects into their communities.

What does revival look like?

A revived church will be a church that deals with sin in its midst swiftly and certainly, and without fear of the consequences of man.

Worship is a passionate and heartfelt declaration of deep need for the Savior, not a dry ritual.

Church members work together in humility, not seeking power or recognition.

Prayer meetings are heartily attended and prayers of faith are answered.

The pastor is overwhelmed by volunteers for positions of service.
Church members boldly share their faith with the lost.

The unsaved come in off the street to see for themselves what God is doing in the church.

Seating for worship services is limited or non-existent, and some churches must move to two or more worship services on Sundays.

No one looks at his watch during the worship service or complains that the sermon was too long.

Church members flock to the altar to confess and weep over their sins, sometimes staying there for hours or even all night.

Silliness during the worship service and the watering down of the Gospel in order to attract the lost is replaced by a church body which cries out to God in deep, heart-piercing reverence and awe.

Backbiting, quarreling, and division are replaced by unity and love for the bretheren.

Bars, sex shops, casinos, abortion clinics, and other businesses close for lack of patrons as swelling numbers of souls are saved.

At the BAGBR Prayer Ministry, it is our goal to see every church in our association revived and fitting the above description. And to this end, we pray.

Won't you join us as we pray for revival to come to your church?

"House of Prayer" Conferences

...I will... make them joyful in My house of prayer...For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples. Is. 56:7

In poll after poll, pastors and church members alike say that the number one need of the church is more prayer. Is your church a “house of prayer”? Would you like it to be? Need a little help getting started, or maybe a refresher course?

There are some great prayer conferences out there that are inspiring and can help with your personal prayer life, but they can be expensive, they usually involve at least a little travel, and, unless the majority of your congregation attends together, they rarely have much impact on an individual church.

That’s why the BAGBR prayer ministry wants to bring the House of Prayer conference to you. Want to have a one hour seminar on prayer during your Wednesday night prayer meeting? A half-day workshop one Saturday morning? A guest speaker at a small group meeting? A breakout session during a retreat? Let us know your needs, and a 1-3 person team of prayer coordinators from the BAGBR prayer ministry will come to your church and share with you about becoming a House of Prayer. (No speaking fee or honorarium.)

To schedule a House of Prayer conference, contact Michelle Lesley, Associational Prayer Coordinator, through the BAGBR office.

"Bride Awake" Prayer Meetings

Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. Matt. 25:5

The Bride of Christ in America is falling asleep. (Sometimes, literally. Ask any pastor.) We’ve become numb to, or even defend, our own worldliness. Some estimate that over 80% of churches are in decline or plateau. Our impact on society is rapidly deteriorating. We, the church, are ripe for another Great Awakening.

To that end, and with an eye to the fact that most great moves of God begin with corporate prayer, we are beginning the process of scheduling weekly prayer meetings for the purpose of praying for revival in our city, association, state, and nation. Each week, a different BAGBR church will host the prayer meeting, which will be open to every member of every church in the association. This will not be a worship service or Bible study, but simply one hour a week for God’s people to come together and spend time in prayer.

Hosting a Bride Awake Prayer Meeting:
  • Our facility needs are very much "bare bones". Basically, what we will need is for the building/sanctuary to be unlocked on time, and lights, heat/AC, and bathrooms/water fountains made available.
  • In the spirit of Is. 24:2 and Hos. 4:9a pastors and staff of the host church are encouraged to attend if at all possible.
  • The pastor of the host church will choose the evening (or Saturday) for the meeting which will be most convenient for his church. (Let's avoid Sunday and Wednesday evenings since most churches have services those nights.)
  • Associational Prayer Coordinator- Michelle Lesley, or another prayer coordinator, will facilitate the meeting (in conjunction with the host pastor if he is present) and coordinate the logistics of facility availability.
  • Prayer meetings will be open to (and publicized to) all BAGBR churches/church members.
  • Host pastors, if they so desire, will also have the option of inviting neighboring churches of other (Christian) denominations to participate in the prayer meeting.
  • Bride Awake meetings will begin the week of January 17, 2010. Pastors, please contact Associational Prayer Coordinator- Michelle Lesley, through the BAGBR office (or her personal e-mail address, if you have it) when you have a date in mind.

Attending a Bride Awake Prayer Meeting

All BAGBR pastors, staff, and church members are strongly encouraged to attend Bride Awake meetings as often as possible. Meeting dates and times will be publicized to all BAGBR churches, printed in the Good News newsletter when feasible, and posted on this web site.

Circle Baptist Church- Prayer Walk/Run- Dec. 5

Circle Baptist Church invites all BAGBR church members to participate in a prayer walk/run on Dec. 5 at 9:00. (Click images to enlarge.) Y'all come!

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire (Jim Cymbala)

"What is Brooklyn Tabernacle's secret to success? In Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire Jim Cymbala provides a one-word answer: prayer. In this powerful volume Pastor Cymbala will show you how passionate, persistent prayer transforms individuals, revives churches and revitalizes communities. Drawing on the teaching of scripture, his own experience and the collected wisdom of the great revivalists, Pastor Cymbala seeks to fan your passion for prayer into a flame. Take this opportunity to learn how to listen to God's voice and prayerfully depend upon God!"

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire is available at:

January 2010


Consecrate a fast,
Proclaim a solemn assembly;
Gather the elders
And all the inhabitants of the land
To the house of the LORD your God,
And cry out to the LORD.
Joel 1:14

SBC President, Johnny Hunt, is encouraging all pastors to set aside Sunday, January 31 as a special day of prayer and fasting for our denomination. From his December 9th Baptist Press article

“We are asking you, pastors, to not only incorporate a season of prayer for our denomination into your regular worship services on Sunday, Jan. 31, but to make provision and give direction for a full day of prayer focus… Some of the suggested things to pray for include:

-- A spirit of repentance to fall on our churches corporately and personally for individuals, and for genuine revival of first love for Jesus. (See Matt. 4:17; Rev. 2:4.)

-- A great spiritual awakening across our land so that the lost will be drawn to a personal relationship with Jesus. (See John 6:44; Rom. 1:19; 2 Cor. 2:14.)

-- A sweet spirit of reconciliation among any Southern Baptists who are at odds with each other, or other works of God. Love for one another in the body of Christ to grow and blossom. (See Prov. 28:13; 1 Cor. 13:25-27; John 13:34-35.)…”

NAMB (North American Mission Board) Prayer Coordinator, Elaine Helms, adds this information (from "Call to Urgent Prayer for SBC"):

"The goal is for all of us to “Be still and know that God is God,” as a sign of our humility and desire to wholeheartedly return to Him. By our being still before Him (see Psalm 46:10), we exalt our God and position ourselves to obey the Great Commission our Lord commanded in Matthew 28:18-20.

Distribute personal preparation guides for cleansing and restoration and instruct every church member on how to use it through the day.

Plan a Solemn Assembly or a Concert of Prayer for whole congregation or the entire association.

Hold prayer gatherings by Sunday school classes or Bible study groups.

Encourage families to have a focused prayer time acknowledging God alone is God.
For example, an extended prayer before the evening meal, or a prayer walk through the home asking for cleansing and God’s presence.

Challenge every Sunday school class or Bible study group to tithe time to contrite prayer for spiritual awakening.

Extend the pastoral prayer and invite several to read scriptural prayers.

Preach a sermon on prayer, stopping at each point to lead the congregation in application praying.

On Sunday, January 24th, ask your members to pray daily for tens of thousands of SBC congregations to participate in the January 31st urgent call to prayer for the Southern Baptist Convention.

Resources: Information to support the above ideas and more are being added daily.
Click here to access the resource list. You may also access the resource list from the GPS website."

BAGBR pastors, prayer coordinators, and church members, PLEASE make this time of prayer and fasting a high priority for your church. We urgently need to be on our faces, corporately, before God.

Pray for Your Pastor

Pastoring a church is like joining the Peace Corps: It's not just a job, it's an adventure. The natives can be restless and shooting fiery darts at them, the air conditioning unit keeps breaking and the plumbing backs up, sometimes clans are at war with each other, there's a jungle of paperwork to navigate, and meeting after meeting after meeting to attend. And they've got to do it all without offending anyone, somehow squeezing in time to prepare a couple of sermons and Bible studies every week, visit people in the hospital, and still spend time with their wives and children. But they do it because they love our Lord, and wouldn't do anything else.

Our pastors need our prayer and encouragement. As you will hear me say repeatedly, your most important job as a prayer coordinator is to pray for your pastor daily, and to encourage your church members to pray for him as well.

But what does praying for our pastors have to do with revival?

Praying for our pastors is one of the most important keys to revival. Most of the time, when churches experience revival, it is because the pastor has experienced revival in his own life and then leads his church to begin repenting, praying, and returning to a right relationship with God. Usually, revival begins with the pastor.

Additionally, when churches experience revival, the pastor's job is made exponentially easier. He is no longer discouraged by preaching to hearts of stone, but exhilarated by preaching to those who seek to worship God in spirit and in truth and who hunger and thirst for righteousness. His congregation witnesses to the lost, reaches out to those in need, beats down his office door wanting to know how they can serve. They allow him to ditch his extraneous busy work in favor of studying God's word and spending time in prayer. Revival makes pastoring a joy.

So pray for your pastor. Get everybody else in your church praying for your pastor. And, hey, throw in the minister of music, youth, education, etc., too. You might just find that the more the sheep pray for the shepherd, the better the flock becomes.

And that's not a baa-aaa-aaa-d thing. :0)


November 2:
Baptist Women's World Day of Prayer

"Every year on the first Monday of November, Baptist women around the world gather to pray for each other and give to support projects that improve the lives of women and children."

For more information, see- http://nabwu.org/Day_of_Prayer.html

November 8:
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church: "Persecuted, Not Abandoned"

"There are many countries in the world today where Christians are martyred for their faith...The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is a time set apart for us to remember thousands of our Christian brothers and sisters around the world who suffer persecution, simply because they confess Jesus Christ as Lord."

For more information, see- http://idop.org/

November 29 - December 6:
Week of Prayer for International Missions (Lottie Moon Offering)

"False religions, political oppression, multiple languages, harsh living conditions and religious persecution are some of the barriers to sharing Christ with unreached people groups. Still, that doesn't override the Great Commission that Scripture gives to all who follow Him. It is this challenge that compels Southern Baptists to go into difficult places and preach the Gospel."

For more information, see- http://www.imb.org/main/pray/page.asp?StoryID=5624&LanguageID=1709

Prayer Coordinators- Qualifications

Coordinator must be a Christian as evidenced by both his verbal testimony and the fruit of his life.

Coordinator must be a faithful and active member of his church, with a membership of at least one year (exceptions to this time frame may be made on a case by case basis if recommended by the pastor).

Coordinator must be recommended by his pastor.

Coordinator must be committed to his responsibilities as coordinator. He must follow through on duties he has agreed to undertake by the assigned deadline.

Coordinator must have good communication habits, including being reachable by e-mail or phone, and replying to e-mails and returning phone calls in a timely manner (within 24 hours maximum). I would strongly prefer that all coordinators be reachable by e-mail.

Insofar as it is possible, while women are welcome to serve as prayer coordinators, men are encouraged to fill a significant percentage of the prayer coordinator positions. There are two reasons for this:
1.) To promote more male leadership and responsibility in the church.
2.) To prevent prayer coordinators, leaders, committees, or groups from being seen as a “women’s ministry”. (Prayer is vital for everyone, not just women.)

Church Prayer Coordinators- Duties

° Daily personal spiritual growth, including individual Bible study and prayer, and faithful attendance at, and involvement in, your local church

° Attend monthly prayer coordinator meetings with the Associational Prayer Coordinator and other church prayer coordinators

° Respond to e-mails/phone calls from regional coordinator or BAGBR Prayer Coordinator within 24 hours

° When carrying out any duties, plans, or events in your church, operate under the authority and direction of your pastor or other responsible staff member at all times

° Plan, promote, and execute prayer groups/meetings in your church

° Make Associational Prayer Coordinator aware of any urgent prayer needs within your church as quickly as possible

° Make your pastor/staff, church, and prayer group(s) aware of any urgent prayer needs you receive from the Associational Prayer Coordinator

° Be aware of upcoming special prayer emphases/events (National Day of Prayer, Lottie Moon, etc.) as the Associational Prayer Coordinator informs you of them. Promote these special prayer emphases/events within your church and to your prayer group(s). Plan, promote and execute corresponding events at your church as needed.

° Pray fervently in these key areas:
Pray for your church and your pastor/staff
Pray that God will raise up more people of prayer
Pray that God will provide more opportunities for corporate prayer in your church
Pray for revival in your church, locally, nationally, and globally

° Inform the Associational Prayer Coordinator of any unique movements or leadings of God within your church, so that others who are called may join Him in His work

° Other duties as needed

Regional Prayer Coordinators- Duties

° Daily personal spiritual growth, including individual Bible study and prayer, and faithful attendance at, and involvement in, your local church

° Pray faithfully for the churches, pastors, and church coordinators in your region

° Meet monthly with BAGBR Prayer Coordinator

° Meet monthly with church coordinators

° Respond to e-mails/phone calls from BAGBR Prayer Coordinator or church coordinators within 24 hours.

° Develop an e-mail group (or phone tree) of church coordinators for ease of access and immediate communication. (This is for use by the regional coordinator.) Also provide the BAGBR Prayer Coordinator with this contact information and inform her of any changes as they occur

° Disseminate information from BAGBR Prayer Coordinator regarding prayer needs, upcoming events, and other information to e-mail group/phone tree of church coordinators

° Make BAGBR Prayer Coordinator aware of urgent prayer needs within the region as information is provided by church coordinators

° Assist and advise church coordinators as needed with setting up prayer groups/meetings in their individual churches

° Make church coordinators aware of upcoming special prayer emphases (National Day of Prayer, Lottie Moon, etc.)
Plan, promote, and execute corresponding regional events as needed
Assist church coordinators in promoting, planning, and executing corresponding church events as needed

° Inform BAGBR Prayer Coordinator of any unique movements or leadings of God within the region, so that others who are called may join Him in His work

° Other duties as needed