What's New?

National Day of Prayer Task Force
It's never too soon to start planning for National Day of Prayer! Is your church or group hosting a prayer meeting for NDP on May 2? Let us know (praybagbr@yahoo.com) so we can help spread the word!

We need more prayer warriors!
Would you like to represent your church as a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator?
Check out the sidebar for more info.


Welcome to the Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge (BAGBR) Prayer Coordinator Information Hub.

If you are a new or prospective prayer coordinator, please check out the links on the right under "Information for New and Prospective Prayer Coordinators" to get started.

If you are already a BAGBR Prayer Coordinator, this site is designed to serve you in the following ways:

  • File Cabinet- Can't put your hands on that form or piece of information you received at the last meeting but has since disappeared? You'll find it here. Just copy and paste it into your word processing program and save it or print it out.

  • Meeting Updates- It's best if you make every effort to attend meetings, but if an absence can't be helped, I'll be updating the web site after every meeting to reflect any new information you may have missed.

  • Idea Exchange- If you have a suggestion or idea related to a certain post, maybe something that has worked well at your church, please take full advantage of the "comments" button and share your thoughts. If you've got a totally unique idea, e-mail it to me and I'll review it and put it in its own post if appropriate.

Thanks again for your tireless service to praying for revival in our churches and association. If there is any way I can make this site more user friendly, please let me know.

In Jesus Name,

Michelle Lesley
BAGBR Associational Prayer Coordinator


Anonymous said...

Maybe you will want to place a twitter button to your website. I just bookmarked the article, although I must make this manually. Just my suggestion.

Michelle said...

It's a great idea and I have been giving that some thought for a while. I will probably add Twitter within the next few months when things slow down a little. Thanks for the suggestion!